Sainamole Kurian P.

Research Area : Microbiome engineering, Endophytic bacteria, Early detection of plant diseases using
AI tools.
Teaching/Research Experience : 24 years
Qualifications : PhD
Publications: More than 25 research papers including one in Current Science, five in journals with IF more than one and one in journal with IF 7.8. Coauthored one text book.
Conferences : More than 20 conferences (national and international).
Awards/Recognitions: 1. Recipient of National merit scholarship for higher secondary education
2. KAU Merit scholarship for BSc. (Ag)
3. ICAR JRF for MSc.(Ag)
4. ICAR SRF for PhD in Plant Pathology
5. Outstanding teaching award in international conference
6. Award for the best oral presentation in international conference
7. Award for the best poster presentation in national conference
8. Reviewer of three leading science research journals
9. Life member of three science societies
10. Served as Member of Board of studies of two universities.
11. Expert for National PG research seminar
12. Presented lead paper and served as Rapporteur and expert evaluator in
national and international conferences
Projects (Ongoing) : 1. Biotic stress management of vegetable crops under protected cultivation
2. Microbiome engineering for management of plant diseases.
Projects (Completed) : 1. Disease management projects under AICRP(VC), Vellanikkara center
during the period from 2006 to 2018.
2. RKVY projects for development of alternative technologies for banned
fungicides against a) powdery mildew of cucurbits b) collar rot, root rot and
web blight of cow pea
3. KSCSTE project on “Baseline studies on vegetable crops under protected
cultivation in Kerala as a prelude for precise disease management “.