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Mandate of the Institution

The college follows the mandate of the University as defined in The Agricultural University Act, 1971. It runs as:

  1. Making provision for imparting education in different branches of study, particularly in agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry including Veterinary and Dairy Science, Co-operation, Fisheries, Forestry, Agricultural Engineering, Home Science and other allied branches of learning and scholarship;
  2. Furthering the advancement of leadership and prosecution of research, particularly in Agriculture and allied Sciences;
  3. Undertaking an extension education programme; and
  4. Such other purposes as the University may from time to time determine.

Goals And Objectives

To realize its undertakings, the institution endeavors to achieve the following targets:

  • To impart quality education pertaining to Agriculture and allied Sciences, along with undertaking world-class research spanning wide range topics related to Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Home Science and beyond so as to work closely with farmers and agro-scientists.
  • To produce high yielding superior breeder seeds, foundation seeds, certified seeds and labeled seeds of major crops and varieties to meet the requirements of the State.   
  • To serve as a centre for conservation and evaluation of indigenous varieties, evolving new varieties with high yielding potential and better tolerance to biotic/abiotic stresses suited to various agro-ecological zones.
  • To conduct both basic and applied research for evolving and utilizing need-based and eco-friendly technologies for sustainable agriculture.
  • To develop innovative techniques resulting in the production of major crops of Kerala and utilizing the fragile areas for cultivation.
  • To bring in suitable technologies for post-harvest handling of agricultural produces and their value addition.
  • To raise the agricultural productivity in a farmer-friendly and sustainable way through suitable end-use technologies.
  •  To be the fulcrum of agriculture-based activities in the area including collection and maintenance of agricultural database.
  • To disseminate latest agri-based knowledge and grass-root level training to workers and officers of the State Departments of Agriculture, Forestry, Dairy science, Central institutes, NGO’s and Private organizations to make hem self-sufficient and upgrade themselves.

Mission And Vision