1. Conducted a Model Training Course (10 days) on Post harvest management and value addition of horticultural crops from 22nd to 29th November 2019 at COA Padannakkad with technical support from CAAST PROJECT and motivation and guidance from senior faculties of Agri. Engineering Dept. Around 20 trainees from different parts of India participated in the programme.

2. Several training programmes were organized by the Agr. Engineering Department to create awareness on water saving irrigation technologies, fertigation, rainwater harvesting etc. Altogether 592 stake holders were trained. This immensely motivated the farmers in adopting drip fertigation system in their field for various crops and for better management of drip system once it is installed.

3. Trainings under ICAR-TSP, College of Agriculture, Padannakkad: Series of training were organised in the year 2021 by College of Agriculture, Padannakkad under the ICAR-Tribal Sub Plan. The aim of the training series was to instigate and facilitate Agri-preneurship skills and promote income generation opportunities in specific areas related to agriculture and allied activities among the Scheduled Tribe community in Kasaragod district
4. Facebook live programs (Krishi padhashala) organized by Dept. of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture padannakad by the request of Principal Agriculture Office, Kasargod of Dept. of Agriculture development and Farmers Wellfare for taking online classes to farmers in various topics
5. NABARD-KfW Soil Project conducted training on Micro Irrigation & Fertigation in collaboration with College of Agriculture Padannakkad on 22.11.2021. Farmers from Banatpadi, Cheripadi, Kunjar, Mugu & Pettikundu Watersheds participated in this

6. State level training- Sponsored training programme for kudumbasree block coordinators on Agricultural Project Conceptualization and Proposal Preparation.