Experiential Learning Programme was introduced into the curriculum of the under- graduation program of the University, in 2011, centred on ICAR recommendations. This program envisages proactive training imparted to students in agriculture and its allied enterprises. The program aims to stress upon the importance of entrepreneurship in student minds to develop their entrepreneurship skills. The ELP is conducted during the last semester of the Undergraduate Program. Its teaching methodology incorporates an interdisciplinary approach.
A minimum amount of seed money is provided to students. Substantial investments, if any, are provided as refundable advances. This amount is recouped from the students at the end of the learning program. The generated profits are shared by members of the ELP group. One-third of the profit is given to the students and two-third to the college. Apiculture, organic farming, mushroom culture, bio-inoculant production are the major ELP units in this campus.