The administration of Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) is executed in compliance with the Kerala Service Rules (KSR). Being an integral part of KAU, the governance of College of Agriculture, Padannakkad conforms to the same set of statutes and rules followed by the KAU. The College has a designated Post of Dean
The office of the Dean is established in accordance to the statutes of the University. The Dean steers the college and reports directly to the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of the University. It is the responsibility of the Dean to maintain and promote efficiency, discipline, decorum and order within the campus and to ensure that the objectives of the College are fulfilled. The core services and departments are coordinated through the Office of the Dean which includes Administrative Officer (AO), Section Officers, (SO), Office Assistants and the general staff. The Administrative Office is subdivided into sections based on the administration areas supervised and managed by them. Each section is controlled by an SO. Academic matters are governed by the Academic Section for the routine office procedures and academic matters by professsors put in charge as Academic Officers. There is a separate post for academic sanctioned with Associate Professor cadre and functions in the academic cell. Two faculty members are assigned as Academic Officers PG and UG with the support of computer assistant, data entry operator and other supporting staff. They report directly to Dean and work in tandem with the administrative office.
The staff council comprises of the Dean, Heads of Departments, Administration Officer, Assistant Wardens (Ladies Hostel and Men’s Hostel), Farm Officer and Farm Supervisor and functions as the advisory body for the administration of the college. The primary function of this council is to plan for and address issues that are of significance to the college. It identifies, endorses and approves strategic initiatives, governance matters and major policies, in addition to the College’s financial strategy. It also has responsibility for delegated budgets and their financial control. However, major decisions in the college are also appropriated after consultation with the faculty and students. In crucial meetings, students are represented by the college students’ union democratically elected each year.
The Academic Officers (UG and PG), supports the Dean in matters pertaining to academics within the college. The academic officer, in consultation with the HoDs is responsible for the delivery of the College’s core academic mission: education, research and transformation. This includes an overview of the recruitment, student well-being, quality and efficacy of education and research; development and retention of academic and research staff; planning semester calendars and conducting classes and examinations.
The college has 21 teaching departments. The senior-most faculty member of each department acts as the Head of Department (HoD) as designated by the AD. The HoD is responsible for the implementation of various academic, research and extension programs of the respective department either individually or in collaboration with other departments or agencies. The Department of Agricultural Extension coordinates all extension programs including RAWE. The Academic Officer (PG) monitors PG research activities of the college. Major departments have the structure Professor-Associate Professor-Assistant Professor and minor departments have Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. All departments have supporting staff like technical assistants and peons.
The college has a technical supervisor who handles the local level maintenance and also acts as housekeeping officer. The Director of the Physical Plant is overall incharge of the major constructions happening in the University. The Instructional Farm also comes under the direct jurisdiction of the AD’s Office.