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Information is a valuable resource and an important constituent that determines the quality of education, research and extension activities.  The Kerala Agricultural University Library and Information System (KAULIS), is envisaged for its collection, organisation and dissemination of information on agriculture.  KAULIS consists of the University Central Library, libraries in all constituent colleges and Agricultural Research Stations throughout Kerala.  The College of Agriculture, Padannakkad is one of the constituents of KAULIS.

The College has a wide variety of learning resources to support students in their search for knowledge and their endeavours towards becoming mature and independent learners.  The college library is well resourced and has an impressive virtual catalogue along with a stock of 10,000 books and media resources.  The library here also has a well-developed Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that supports various aspects of curricular and extra-curricular learning.  There is also an IT support and service desk that assist students to avail the computing facilities of the college and in gaining access to the college network with the help of an approved personal device.  IT support may be accessed by phone or in person.  Print materials, text books and digital versions also serve as reservoirs of learning.

The Library, established in 1998, functions as the primary home of resources for learning, teaching and research. It is a tech-savvy learning and research space that provides a range of services.  It supports the researchers throughout the research cycle, irrespective of the stage in their research career. It develops the academic and digital skills of users by creating an excellent learning zone.  The library helps to understand academic impact and the influence of researchers can be measured through publication, citation data and alt metrics.