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Book Bank Scheme & other Services


Apart from customary facilities, the library extends a comprehensive support service to teaching, research and extension, as per requirements of its patrons. Internet usage and browsing are allowed during working hours.

The library recalls borrowed books through e-mails either for renewal or returns. Communications from the library, in accordance with the official University policy, will be sent to the registered e-mail addresses of the faculty and students.


Notifications are maintained for the following:

  • E-mail alert service on specific topics related to agriculture
  • Mobile SMS Services,
  • Current Awareness Service (CAS) & Selective Dissemination of Information Service (SDI)
  • Full text journal request article delivery services from JCC@CeRA
  • Bibliographic Services
  • Newspaper Clipping Service
  • Broadband Internet connectivity, LAN and Wi-Fi
  • Book bank scheme for students at 50% concession rate


The ARIS cell provides Wi-Fi facility for internet access along with cable broad band terminals. In the library, there are 4 terminals for students and staff and 2 separate LAN cable access points for plugging in laptops.


Major Services provided by the college library are

Membership: The staff and students of the Colleges are eligible to become regular members of the library.

Book Loan: Members are eligible to get books issued for home reading for a specified period. Reference and costly books can be issued for overnight reading.

User Education & Training

Post Graduate and Doctoral Programmes of Agricultural Universities are applied courses. Hence, ICAR has included courses like “Library and Information Service”,  “Research Methodology” and “Technical Writing” in the curriculum with the objective of proper reviews of literature and effective use of information resources. COAP offers these courses as part of their syllabus.

Library Extension Services

CoAP shall conduct book exhibitions, seminars, workshops, quiz programmes, career guidance etc. to encourage students, teachers and other users for using the library resources and facilities.

Book bank scheme for regular and SC/ST students

The objective of this scheme is to distribute books to students related to their studies and career at a subsidized rate, that is, 50% of the cost of books or Rs.500/- whichever is less in a year. All students in the college are eligible to avail the scheme.


The college Library annually conducts book exhibitions which alert the students about the new arrivals in the library’s unique and distinctive collections. The students are permitted to purchase/order books of their choice. College Libraries are maintaining a separate collection of text books for SC/ST students by utilizing the special grant received from the Government.

The funds provided for SC/ST students under book bank scheme is also utilized to purchase and keep books, with prioritized usage to target group and reference facility for other students.

The objective of this scheme is to distribute books to students related to their studies and career at a subsidized rate, that is, 50% of the cost of books or Rs.500/- whichever is less in a year. All students in the college are eligible to avail the scheme.

The college Library annually conducts book exhibitions which alert the students about the new arrivals in the library’s unique and distinctive collections. The students are permitted to purchase/order books of their choice. College Libraries are maintaining a separate collection of text books for SC/ST students by utilizing the special grant received from the Government.

The funds provided for SC/ST students under book bank scheme is also utilized to purchase and keep books, with prioritized usage to target group and reference facility for other students.