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Most Departments in the college were established at the same that the college was instituted.  Each department strives to impart quality education pertaining to agriculture and allied sciences, along with undertaking world-class research spanning wide range of topics related to Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Home Science and beyond so as to work closely with farmers and agro-scientists. 

They undertake research projects to develop innovative techniques resulting in the production of major crops of Kerala and utilizing the fragile areas for cultivation and to bring bring in suitable technologies for post-harvest handling of agricultural produces and their value addition.  The departments undertake projects that conduct both basic and applied research for evolving and utilizing need-based and eco-friendly technologies for sustainable agriculture.

The research undertaken help to produce high yielding superior breeder seeds, foundation seeds, certified seeds and labelled seeds of major crops and varieties to meet the requirements of the State,  to serve as a centre for conservation and evaluation of indigenous varieties, evolving new varieties with high yielding potential and better tolerance to biotic/abiotic stresses suited to various agro-ecological zones. 


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Padannakkad (P.O),
Kasaragod Dt. Kerala 671314