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Wetlands of Pilicode & Nileshwar

Besides the IF, the College utilizes the facilities at the two constituent neighboring institutions of the University, viz., Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Pilicode (57.87 ha) and RARS Farm at Karuvacherry (17.20 ha) which are very near to the college.  The proposal for the College itself envisaged to utilize these farms for instructional purposes.  The students conduct their Work Experience Programs at the wetlands in RARS Pilicode.

There is a Meteorological Observatory & Automatic Weather Station in RARS, Pilicode along with farmlands.  These facilities espouse supplementary assistance to the conduct of practical classes and help to expedite student skills to reach world-class research standards.  The Meteorological Observatory & Automatic Weather Station serves as a data source for Weather Studies. 


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Padannakkad (P.O),
Kasaragod Dt. Kerala 671314