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Student Union

The students are urged to form Students Unions on a democratic basis by upholding the principles of liberty, democracy and strong socialist beliefs. The Student Union comprises of 16 members with a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Vice-Secretary. The major function of this Union is to enunciate student apprehensions and formulate independent opinions on behalf of the students. The student union endeavors to draw out talents of fellow students through various extra-curricular activities, stage performance, sports and magazines. Each student is encouraged to come forward to express their ideas and opinions. Their efforts combined with those of the institution aid in enhancing organization skills, team-work, cultural hobbies/pursuits/interests, mental and physical well-being of the students. The Student's Union has paved the way to strengthen the relationship between all the members of the college.



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Padannakkad (P.O),
Kasaragod Dt. Kerala 671314