Department has a well-equipped Molecular Biology lab for carrying out practical classes for UG& PG and for research work by PG and Faculty. The facilities include PCR, Gel electrophoresis unit, Gel documentation system. -200C freezer. Refrigerator, high precision digital balance, magnetic stirrer, pH meter, Laminar Flow Chamber for setting up PCR reactions etc. The lab is involved in genomic DNA isolation and molecular marker studies in various crops.
Lab have PCR for molecular biology works along with other accessory facilities.
Gel electrophoresis unit
Gel electrophoresis unit include power pack and buffer tanks for molecular biology works.
Gel documentation system
Lab is equipped with advanced gel documentation system for capturing gel images and processing it.
-200C freezer
Deep freezer in the lab is used for long term storage of samples and preservation of thermolabile chemicals and reactants.
Spectrophotometer is used for the quantitative analysis of biological samples.
Double distillation unit
Water double distillation unit provides the distilled water necessary for molecular laboratory works
pH Metre
pH meter is used to precisely adjust the pH requirements of the solutions used in the lab
Electronic precision weighing balance
Electronic precision weighing balance is used for precisely measuring the samples and for measuring chemicals for reagent preparations.